Thursday, February 10, 2011

It Is Too Damn Cold Outside!

I don't know what's going on lately. I dragged myself out of bed feeling so sleepy and I am using the excuse not to go to the gym today because I need a day of bumming around. It's is just too cold to go outside and I hate messing with the garage door on cold days, it never wants to open when it's cold out and I have to push the button like 10 times because it gets stuck. Excuse the language, but it is colder than a witches tit in Nebraska today. It is a chilly -1 outside. Talk about crisp, it is definitely crisp outside. Even the dog wanted back in quickly this morning. It probably froze before it the ground when he took a pee. He was only out there about two minutes before he started barking to come back in. I'm surprised they didn't cancel school today. All those poor kids standing at the bus stop waiting for the bus or God help the ones who have to walk to school. I think I am going to hibernate in the house today. I don't want to go out there in this crap. They say there is a warm up in the forecast coming Saturday, let's hope it's true.


  1. My garage door does that too but only on really, really cold days. Like you, if I fiddle with it (once got on a ladder and shook the controls a little) it works.

    I thought it was just me.

  2. That picture says it all! I'm sick of the snow and cold, looking forward to Spring. Thanks for leaving a kind comment on my blog, I appreciate you stopping by. Blessings! Julie Arduini

  3. I know, doesn't it. No, your not the only one. Mine does it anytime it get's below 20 degrees. It is such a pain in the ass to open the door when it's cold.

  4. I know! We don't have a garage so it's a workout just to try to get the car from out of the snow!

  5. My hubby puts his on the street. So, I know what you mean.

  6. Perspective:
    Mid-February; It gets to 40 degrees in the mid-Atlantic and you rejoice.
    Mid-June: It gets to 40 degrees in the mid-Atlantic and you scream, "WTF???"

  7. It's cold here, too...and our dog does the same thing. I let her out and she just stands by the door wanting to come back in. Spring is coming, though. It has to!


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