Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Nativity Scene Battle???

In the city of Warren, Michigan there is a dispute about an equal display of time. There's a man who is arguing that displaying a nativity scene in front of a city building is a violation of the separation of church and state. The man is an atheist and wishes to display his own sign that reads:

He placed the sign directly next to the nativity scene in front of City Hall. The mayor forced the man to remove the sign, because he does not have the permission of the city to display the sign on public property. Because he was forced to remove the sign after several attempts to get permission from the Mayor to display the sign, him and the group "Freedom From Religion" plan on suing the city for not allowing him to display his sign.

In my opinion, I find his sign intrusive and a mere attempt to force his views on others. He can choose not to believe in God. However, that doesn't give him the right to challenge the beliefs of others in a public forum. I personally would not want my child to walk past the sign and read the sign.

Celebrating Christmas is a tradition that has gone on in the United States for many many years. I am a little tired of other groups thinking they have the right to stomp on the rights of Christians. However, there religious rights should be protected. For example, a christian child is not permitted to say a prayer in school or bring a bible to school. But, if you walk into the office during Ramadan, you will find Muslim children spending their lunches in the office, because they are fasting or young girls wearing scarves to cover their hair. The schools respect their rights as Muslims and allow them to sit in the office during Ramadan instead of the cafeteria like the rest of the children, but our own christian children are not allowed to practice religion during school hours. The religious rights of other cultures are groups are respected in schools, except for the religious rights of christian children.

It really irritates me that our own children can longer say the pledge of allegiance in schools anymore, because it may offend someone. National Anthems are being banned at sporting events, because of the wording. How do children learn to have pride in their own country if they don't know the pledge of allegiance or hear the national anthem? Where does it stop?

Now, atheists want to take our right to display just about anything that symbolizes Christianity. Atheists may believe "Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds", but religion gives people hope for a better world and a moral foundation to rest their hearts on.

Everyone has the right to believe what they wish to believe. But, it is time to stop stomping on Christians and Christianity. Let us enjoy something without it being dragged through the court system and the mud. If you don't agree with the nativity scene, keep walking and find better things to do than wasting our tax dollars over a nativity scene dispute.


  1. What these Athiest don't realize is they are taking their anger and their hate for Christmas, God, etc out on the little ones, why do they have to ruin the whole experience for them?

    I'm surprised this idiot didn't put there's no Santa on his list. These Athiest always complain about having religion and God shoved down theirs and their kids throats, well, I don't want their close-minded thoughts, and their hatered shoved down mine nor my kids throats (not that I have any of my own yet). In fact, I would much rather my kids be educated about religion and God in a positive way rather than them be told there is no God or made to believe that God is a bad word. This guy is in for a rude awakening, someday when he bites the big one.

    Sorry for the ranting, I just can't stand these "Scrooges!". They are just really irritating.

    You have a wonderful blog, I've really enjoyed reading visiting and reading. When you have a chance, I would love for you to stop by mine.

    Thank you and have a Merry Christmas!


  2. btw I saw you are from Michigan, I hope you don't mind having a Buckeyes fan as a follower, lol.


  3. I could not agree with you more it has gotten really ridiculous I cannot stand it. It will always be Merry Christmas to me and my hubby who btw is an Atheist however would never ever do something like the above. I am a firm believer if you do not want to see it don't look, if you don't want to hear it turn it off and if it bugs you just keep on walking. You do what you believe in, make sure your a good person and treat others with respect and do you...Merry Christmas!

  4. It does seem there is a reluctance to allow Christian beliefs to be presented while other religions are free to practice publicly as they wish. Public officials need to firmly decide to either take a completely secular approach or allow everyone to show their religious (or lack of them) as they'd like. The inconsistency is unfair.

  5. No, Sarah. I don't mind. It upset me too. His sign is negative and spells out negativity. There are no signs spelling out the story of Christ. Just a nativity scene. Unless you are familar with what it stands for, it is a nativity scene. His sign spells out his beliefs in black and white. Thank you for commenting. :) I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas.
    PS. No we dont mind a Buckeye. :)


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