Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Driver On Drugs Hits Drug Free Zone Sign And A House

If you look closely, you will notice she took the sign with her and it's sitting in front of the house. How Ironic is that?

According to the Melvindale police a driver on drugs was driving the wrong way on Outer Drive Friday night, hit a Drug Free School Zone sign and her vehicle went airborne after hitting the sign and she hit a house.

The police and a witness said,

"We saw a car come flying down Outer Drive the opposite way," said Terri Yost, who lives nearby and witnessed the crash. "She hit something over here and went airborne and flew into the house."

You know she is probably sitting in her cell thinking, somone is trying to tell her something and she hit a house and a Drug Free Zone sign while on drugs.

Seymour DARE Officer Arrested For Drunk Driving

John Newcomb, a DARE officer was arrested on Thursday for drunk driving. He was hauling the DARE trailer when he was arrested in Washington County, Ind. The arresting officer says, Newcomb's alcohol limit was twice the legal limit at 0.14 and he sideswiped a vehicle before running off the Road. I guess the DARE program didn't have any effect on him. Did he ever hear of "practice what your preach"?

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